Monday, November 29, 2010

Sony fires barrage of touchscreen patent applications, only one points at new PSP

Lawyers for Sony Computer Entertainment America must have been mighty
busy last October, hatching the wild scheme that came to light this
week -- a series of eight intertwining patent applications all
describing a single device with an intriguing touchscreen interface.
Though it's hard to tell what form the final device might take -- the
apps suggest sliders, clamshells and slates -- a few distinct ideas
bubble to the surface, and we'll knock them out one by one. First, the
inventors seem to be rather particular about having a touchpad that's
separate from the main screen -- perhaps even on its back like the
rumored PSP2 -- and Sony's trying to patent a way to manipulate
objects through the screen as well. Second, there's a lot of mumbo-
jumbo about being able to "enhance" or "transform" the user interface
in response to different forms of input, which seems to boil down to
this: Sony's trying to get some multitouch up in there, especially

Last but not least, the company's looking to cordon off a section of
touchscreen buttons, including a 'paste' command, and patent a
"prediction engine" that would dynamically change the onscreen layout
based on your past behavior. If most of these ideas sound more at home
in a new tablet computer rather than a gaming handheld, then great
minds think alike. Still, SCEA is Sony's gaming division -- forlorn
Linux computing aside -- so consider us stumped for now.

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