Saturday, November 27, 2010

How would you change Microsoft's Internet Explorer 9 Beta?

It's not often that a web browser makes into our HWYC lineup, but it's
also a rare occurrence for Microsoft to issue an entirely new web
browser. Internet Explorer 9 Beta has been in the wild (and thus, on
your PC) for a few months now, and seeing that the browser wars are
raging harder than ever these days, we felt it prudent to ask how
you'd change things in the world of IE. After all, being that this is
a beta, there's still plenty of time for Microsoft to actually heed
your wisdom and implement changes prior to the full, final, non-beta
release. So, have you been pleased with performance? Tab layout? Any
tweaks you'd make to the user interface? Compatibility? Go on and get
sophisticated down in comments below, won'tcha?

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