Saturday, November 27, 2010

Caltech research could lead to quantum hard drives, networks, parallel universes

[/img]Quantum anything has typically fallen into our oft-used category
of 'awesome things that'll never happen,' but if a crew of researchers
at the California Institute of Technology have anything to say about
it, they'll soon be changing the fortunes of that segment. The team
has recently demonstrated quantum entanglement for a quantum state
stored in four spatially distinct atomic memories, and while that
probably just blew your mind a little bit, the breakdown is fairly
interesting. Essentially, they've uncovered a quantum interface
between the atomic memories, which is said to "represent something
akin to a computer hard drive for entanglement." If extended, it could
pave the way toward quantum networks, and in turn, massive webs of
quantum computers. We're obviously decades out from understanding what
this all means for the common computer user, but just remember this:
"for an entangled quantum system, there exists no objective physical
reality for the system's properties." And you thought The Matrix was

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