Saturday, January 29, 2011

Nook Color earns its very early, very unofficial Android 3.0 Honeycomb wings

One of the first things that happens after a new platform emulator
breaks loose is that a bunch of hackers far smarter than ourselves get
hold of it, tear it apart, and port it to whatever's convenient. In
the case of this week's Android 3.0 Honeycomb preview, "whatever's
convenient" would be the Nook Color, which reigns as perhaps the
cheapest decent-quality Android tablet money can currently buy.
Naturally, xda-developers has a thread going on the subject as we
speak; the current port is said to be really slow and mostly broken --
but then again, that kind of describes the current state of the
emulator itself. Good news is that the developer says he plans on
working on graphics acceleration to improve performance over the
weekend, so with any luck, the Xoom might have some unofficial
competition before too long. Follow the break for another shot.

[Thanks, s30zgt]

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