Friday, November 26, 2010

Hylas 1 satellite blasting off today, will rain down broadband from above

Europe's about to catapult a new satellite up into orbit today, this
one with the stated goal of providing broadband internet access to
people in the areas hardest to reach by terrestrial connectivity
means. UK startup Avanti Communications is the official name
responsible for the Hylas 1, which is a funny mix of private and
public investment: it's a commercial venture, yet the British state
has contributed £40 million ($63m) to its development and
European Space Agency tech will be used to get that 2.6-ton antenna up
beyond the planet's atmosphere. Ultimately, though, the goal's a good
one -- up to 10Mbps connections will be on offer, with plans for
further satellites already on the books, which should serve to expand
internet accessibility in parts of Africa and Asia as well. The next
Hylas tin can will be leaving terra firma in 15 months, provided there
no unknown unknowns pop up during that time to get in its way.

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