[/img]Still holding tight to the "Sharing is Caring!" mantra? Not
afraid in the least of handing out a few kilobytes to lost tourists
down below? If so, you're a prime candidate to own a Fon router; for
those unaware, Fon's goal is to equip the world with its 802.11n
routers, and then distribute WiFi through them for all to enjoy. The
device creates two WiFi signals (SSIDs), one private and one public,
and for anyone who knows the pain of being desperate for just a single
open hotspot, it's a product (and mission) worth supporting. The
Fonera SIMPL was introduced way back at Mobile World Congress, and
while the company said it had an order for 400,000 then, that figure
has risen rather significantly since. Today, it's revealing that two
million of these guys have been sold to telecommunication companies
around the globe, with British Telecom, MTS-Comstar Russia, SFR
France, SoftBank Japan and ZON Cable Portugal named in particular. The
general idea is to provide these to customers in order to lighten the
overall load for everyone else, but those looking to buy in sans help
can finally do so -- the SIMPL's going for $49 / €39 right now
directly through the outfit's website and we're confident that you'll
do the right thing.
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