Saturday, November 27, 2010

Modified radar gun identifies suicide bombers up to ten meters away

William Fox of the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey and John
Vesecky, his colleague at UC Santa Cruz, are working on a modified
radar gun that can identify suicide bombs worn under the clothing. To
do this, they cataloged the most common arrangements of looped wires
used to construct "suicide vests," and developed software that can
identify the radar cross-section of each. So far, results have been
pretty good: according to New Scientist, "telltale factors in the
polarisation of the reflected signals" allowed them to correctly
identify volunteers dressed as bombers up to ten meters away, roughly
eighty-five percent of the time. Of course, even with a success rate
this high, such a system would be prone to kicking up false positives.
In order to minimize this, the devices would have to combined with
other technologies, such as smart surveillance camera systems and
infrared imaging.

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