Friday, February 25, 2011 analyzes Amazon Prime Instant Video offerings vs the competition

Amazon's Prime Instant Video service is finally here, and while we know how it works and that, unlike Netflix, it will play nicely with your 'Droid, how does its content measure up? pulls in feeds from all the online video sites and has broken down its data into this handy chart to investigate just that. The numbers above don't lie, Netflix has far more content at the moment, and right now, the Amazon service compares more directly to Hulu Plus than anything else. However, it is an excellent start for Amazon to grow from and the breakdown points out what numbers might miss -- while Amazon's movie selections are hurting for any high profile flicks not already on Netflix, it does bring some otherwise unavailable episodes of Mister Rogers Neighborhood, Bonanza and Dr. Who (1963) to bear -- click through for all the details, while it may not be enough to cause you to switch just yet there's definitely enough reason to keep an eye on this latest entrant to the market.

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