Monday, January 24, 2011

Neverware's Juicebox 100 squeezes new life into aging school computers (video)

Your typical school computer is probably not a machine you'd like to
use on a daily basis -- perennially behind the curve in terms of
technology, since educators can't afford smokin' hot video cards and
primo processors year after year. Budgets and the resulting reluctance
inevitably lead to stale hardware which then goes obsolete... but a
tiny startup called Neverware thinks it can end the cycle of woe with
virtualization technology. Its single product, the Juicebox a100, can
serve up one hundred Windows 7 virtual desktops to existing hardware,
pretty much regardless of its age -- all computers need is a working
LAN jack, a 500MHz processor and 128MB of memory, so schools could
keep their beige boxes and just upgrade the Juicebox instead. Founder
Jonathan Hefter doesn't have pricing worked out yet -- and his tiny
company only has three of the boxes working at present -- but he's
piloted the technology in a pair of schools and is planning a beta
soon -- all the while dreaming about how our mountains of e-waste
could be transformed into useful computers for the poorer nations of
the world. Good luck, dude! Video after the break.

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