Wednesday, December 29, 2010

iPad magazine sales numbers show steep decline over a few short months

Uh oh. Since its debut, the iPad has been variously hailed as the
final nail in the coffin of all physical media and the savior of the
magazine and newspaper industries. A few magazines, such as Wired, had
truly impressive digital launches, with over 100,000 downloads of its
first issue in June. It doesn't seem, however, that the stellar start
was in any way sustainable. According to the Audit Bureau of
Circulations, which collects magazine circulation data from companies
willing to furnish numbers, all iPad magazines have seen fall offs in
downloads over the past few months. Wired was averaging 31,000
downloads from July through September, had 22,000 and 23,000
respectively in October and November. Other magazines have seen
similar declines: Vanity Fair sold 8,700 downloads of its November
issue, down from an average of about 10,500 from August through
October; GQ sold 11,0000 copies, its worst showing yet. Now, not all
magazines release their numbers, of course -- including The New
Yorker, People, and Esquire -- but the numbers we do have seem to be
indicating a trend of general decline after a short burst of excitement.

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